论文著作情况: [1] Wan Zhihua; Li Yanzhong; Wang Sophie ; A comprehensive simulation and optimization on heat transfer characteristics of subcooled seawater falling film around elliptical tubes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 189: 116675-116675. [2] Wan Zhihua; Li Yanzhong; Refrigerant film flow and heat transfer characteristics on the elliptical tube under constant wall temperature, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 200: 117669-117669. [3] Wan Zhihua; Li Yanzhong; Numerical study of the falling film wettability and heat transfer on the inclined plates with different corrugated structures, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 16(4): e2664-e2664. [4] Wan Zhihua; Wang Ping; Shen Huanying; Li Yanzhong; Falling film flow and heat transfer of cryogenic liquid oxygen on different structural surfaces, Energies, 2022, 15(14): 5040. [5] Wan Zhihua; Li Yanzhong; Numerical investigation on wetting behavior and heat transfer characteristics of film flow on the smooth and orthogonal wave plates, 2019 14th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA),Xi'an, China, 2019-6-19 -2019-6-21. [6] 万智华; 厉彦忠; 苏长满 ; 溢流式布膜铝板液膜厚度和润湿特性实验研究, 西安交通大学学报, 2020 , 54(04): 35-43. [7] 万智华;厉彦忠;低温液氧在水平管上降膜流动特性模拟研究,低温与超导, 2022, 50(05):85-91. [8] 万智华;厉彦忠;三维倾斜平板液氧降膜润湿数值模拟研究,低温与超导,2020, 48 (04):90-95. [9] 万智华;厉彦忠;陈宏振;竖直通道内降膜流动数值模拟研究,制冷学报,2017,38(06):80-86. [10] 万智华;厉彦忠;周媛媛;低温流体在竖直通道中降膜蒸发研究进展,制冷学报,2016, 37(05): 112-118. |