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The rare earth materials manufacturing team of our institute published the latest research results in the international journal JMCC

文章来源: 发布时间:2022年09月15日 13:47

Recently, the rare earth materials manufacturing team of our institute has made important progress in blue light excitation of oxide matrix red fluorescent materials, related research results "High Performance Sr4Al14O25:Mn4+ Phosphor: Structure calculation and Optical properties", the internationally renowned journal Journal of Materials Chemistry C (JMCC , Impact Factor 7.393) was published, the first author of the paper was Wang Xingsen, a 2020 graduate student, the corresponding author was Associate Professor Xia Libin of the College, and Associate Professor Xu Liang of the College was the co-corresponding author.

The lack of high optical performance of oxide red phosphors limits its application and development in the field of warm white light-emitting devices. In view of this, Sr4Al14O25:Mn4+ (SAO:Mn4+) series of oxide red phosphors that can be effectively excited by blue light chips were prepared in this paper. The paper performs theoretical calculations, experimental preparation, test characterization and device packaging of the structure and luminescence properties of the red phosphor. Theoretical calculations and experimental results show that Mg2+ can improve the luminous intensity and thermal quenching performance of SAO:Mn4+, mn4+ emits light only in the Sr4Al14O25 structure, and does not emit light in the SrAl2O4 structure. At 1250°C, SAO:Mn4+ obtains a pure phase with high crystallinity. The optimal Mg2+ doping concentration is Mg2+:Mn4+ is 1:1, with a maximum fluorescence intensity Degrees appear at concentrations of 0.5mol% Mn4+. This phosphor has excellent water resistance and relatively good thermal stability. WLED devices that package red powder (mixed with commercial yellow powder) produce a low color temperature of 4737K, a high color rendering index of 81.7, and excellent comprehensive luminous efficiency performance of 153.61 lm/W.

The paper link:https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2022/tc/d2tc00795a?page=search