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The team of new energy materials calculation and simulation center of our Institute issued a paper to control the electrical properties of carbon phosphorus nanomaterials by first principles method

文章来源: 发布时间:2021年01月12日 11:04

    Recently, Chen Tong, Associate Professor, a member of the team of New Energy Materials Calculation and Simulation Center, published a speech in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (if: 3.430, Top journal, SCI zone 2) published an academic paper entitled "carbon phosphor nanosheets and nanofibers: insights on modulating their electronic properties by first principles calculations", which revealed the semiconductor properties of α - phase carbon phosphor nanosheets under biaxial stress reduction, and then explored the properties of carbon phosphors under different widths Finally, the rectifying and negative differential resistance characteristics of carbon phosphoride heterostructure devices are studied. This paper is written by Associate Professor Chen Tong as the first author, Associate Professor Xu Liang as the corresponding author, and Jiangxi University of science and technology as the first unit.

        Full text link:https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/cp/d0cp03615c


(text/Liangliang Zeng Hang Zhang editor/Liangliang Zeng)